What is Parental Alienation?

Parental Alienation (PA) is the outcome of one parent (the alienating parent) using Parental Alienating Behaviours (PABs) to damage the relationship between their child and the child’s other parent (the targeted parent).

Parental Alienating Behaviours

“Parental alienation is triggered by a pattern of alienating behaviours enacted by a parent over time with the intent to harm the relationship between the other parent and the child and/or to harm the alienated parent themselves.”

(Harman & Matthewson, 2020)

Call for legislative change

Parental alienation behaviours must be acknowledged in India as it is in other parts of the world. We need legislation which not only acknowledges its existence but firmly and clearly legislates against it.  

In our effort to protect children from physical and sexual abuse, we cannot ignore the hidden suffering of children who are manipulated to take sides in their parent’s disputes.

Dr. Richard A. Warshak (Author of Divorce Poison)